The United States Claims To Open Its Doors To Hong Kong People

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over the regular press conference on February 2. A reporter asked at the meeting: US Secretary of State Blincoln talked about the Hong Kong issue in an interview on the 1st, saying that the United States will follow the example of the United Kingdom and open the door to Hong Kong people fleeing “repression.” Brinken also mentioned that the WHO expert group in Wuhan believes that Beijing’s arrangements are “lack of transparency”. What’s China’s response?
“First of all, regarding the first question you mentioned,” Wang Wenbin emphasized that China’s position on Hong Kong-related issues has always been clear. Hong Kong is China’s Hong Kong. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs. No foreign country has the right to interfere. Any violation of the law Acts are bound to be sanctioned by law. This is the same in any country and region that upholds the rule of law. If the U.S. side does not object that these basic principles apply to what happened on Capitol Hill, it should seriously reflect and correct the wrong words and deeds of publicly “supporting Hong Kong lawbreakers” and interfering in China’s internal affairs through Hong Kong-related issues, so as to avoid dealing with China and the United States. Mutual trust and cooperation cause damage.
“Regarding issues related to the epidemic,” Wang Wenbin further said. What I want to tell you here is that since the outbreak, China has always maintained an open and transparent attitude and has maintained close communication and cooperation with the WHO on global virus traceability.
“WHO experts have come to China three times to communicate with China on related issues. This time the WHO experts came to China as part of the global traceability scientific research cooperation. The Chinese government has provided strong support and assistance for this. Chinese experts have worked with them. Our colleagues have shared a lot of information and research results, and conducted multiple rounds of in-depth exchanges on scientific issues of common concern. WHO and international experts gave positive comments on this.”
Wang Wenbin said that it needs to be pointed out that virus traceability is a complex scientific issue involving many countries and places. Many clues, reports and studies have shown that the epidemic has broken out in many places around the world as early as the second half of 2019. “I will give you an example. According to a research report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were antibodies to the new coronavirus in some American blood donated samples in December 2019. This means that the new coronavirus may have appeared in the United States at that time, earlier than the official US report. The time of the first confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia is January 21, 2020.”
“I hope that the United States will adopt a positive, scientific and cooperative attitude on traceability issues, as well as maintain transparency, like China, and invite WHO experts to the United States to conduct traceability research and make positive contributions to international anti-epidemic cooperation and scientific traceability.” Wang Wenbin Say.