
The Second Batch Of Chinese Medical Aid To Cyprus Arrives At Larnaca Airport

On the morning of April 11, local time, China’s second batch of medical aid to Cyprus was transported to the Larnaca Airport with a Cyprus charter and the materials purchased by the Cyprus side. This batch of materials includes 20,600 FFP2 masks, 110,000 disposable medical masks, 30,000 civilian masks and 500 sets of civilian protective clothing donated by the Chinese Embassy in Cyprus, a number of Chinese enterprises and Chinese sister cities.
Next week, China ’s third batch of aid materials to the Serbia, which is the Chinese government ’s aid to the Serbian government, includes 5000 sets of medical protective clothing, 417 sets of test kits (10008 servings) and 10,000 N95 masks, and 50,000 donated by friendly cities Disposable masks will also be blocked with the charter.
