The Australian Government Passed A New Law Prohibiting Friendship With China

The Australian Parliament has just passed a new law this afternoon (December 8) that will greatly strengthen the power of the Australian central government.
From then on, the central government of this federal country will have the power to prevent the states of the country from independently developing trade cooperation with China.
In May of this year, Brother Geng Zhi once wrote an article about the background of this new Australian law.
To put it simply, although Canberra (the Australian capital) has continued to promote populist politics in its country in recent years, and in order to please the United States internationally, the relationship between Australia and China has continued to deteriorate. The state capitals with close economic and trade relations did not follow the anti-China pace of their central government. Instead, they expressed interest in the “Belt and Road” economic and trade cooperation projects initiated by China.
But this not only caused dissatisfaction with the Australian central government, even Australia’s “big brother” the United States also expressed its dissatisfaction through Secretary of State Pompeo in May this year. At that time, Pompeo threatened that if Victoria dared to join China’s economic and trade cooperation projects such as the “Belt and Road” initiative, the United States would “cut off” ties with Australia.
As a result, under the threat of a foreign power in the United States, Australian politicians immediately began to step up the enactment of laws prohibiting their local governments from developing economic and trade relations with China, and the law was finally passed this afternoon.
From then on, the central government of this federal country will have the right to abolish all the trade cooperation, infrastructure construction, tourism, cultural cooperation, science, health, and education fields signed by the state government and even more grassroots local governments and public universities with China. Agreement.
The Australian media also generally believe that the agreement signed by Victoria and China with the intention of cooperation on the “Belt and Road” project will be abolished soon with the entry into force of this law.
Of course, as an Australian scholar interviewed by the US “New York Times” not long ago said, the Australian government does not feel that they have been persecuted or interfered by the United States because they “voluntarily” please the United States.
It’s just that, in order to please such a foreign power, he cruelly punished his family for maintaining good economic and trade relations with China for their own economic development. I don’t know whether the government in Canberra is an Australian government or an American. The government, and whether this government is really working for the welfare of the Australians, or is it serving for some extreme and narrow political thinking.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that, in addition to Australia, a group of anti-China politicians in the British Parliament have recently crippled Britain. Judging from British media reports, these anti-China politicians have also been drafting a draft law prohibiting business with China in the past few months, and in the words of the British media, the draft also has “widespread” support in the British House of Commons.
The content of the law is that once the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom finds that a country has “slaughtered”, the British government can no longer sign any trade agreement with this country.
In view of the fact that Western public opinion has been slandering China’s Xinjiang policy, even spreading vicious lies such as “China is committing genocide in Xinjiang”, the British media generally believe that this draft law is aimed at China.
But embarrassingly, the British government, which usually followed these anti-China politicians to spread rumors about China’s Xinjiang policy, opposed this matter. It is because British business people generally believe that as the UK is about to officially leave the European Union, maintaining good business relations with China, especially the ability to sign a free trade agreement with China, is crucial to the economic development of the UK in the “post-EU” period.
However, it seems that more politicians in the UK and Australia seem to believe that fabricating ideological lies to attack China and narrowly inciting populist politics to compete with China is more important than developing the economy and allowing the people to live a good life.