According to Taiwan’s “Central News Agency”, the Taipei Zoo’s giant panda “Tuan Tuan” suffered from brain lesions. The zoo said on the 16th that with careful care and the blessing of fans, “Tuan Tuan”‘s condition has gradually stabilized and his appetite has improved slightly. The physical message board at the exit of the giant panda hall will be evacuated.
On November 2, 2022, two experts from the mainland, Wei Ming (left) and Wu Honglin (center), observed the giant panda regiment in Taipei Municipal Zoo.
Taipei Zoo said in a press release on the 16th that, since the onset of epilepsy at the end of August, Tuan Tuan has actively discussed the direction of treatment with the professional medical team, and mainland experts Wu Honglin and Wei Ming came to Taiwan to visit, share many nursing experiences and give it the best care together.
The zoo pointed out that during the process, the blessings from fans never stopped. The “Tuan Tuan I Want to Tell You…” message board, which was put at the exit of the giant panda hall at the end of October, has accumulated hundreds of blessings.
The zoo said that with the public’s love and the medical team’s constant adjustment of medication and careful care, “Tuan Tuan”‘s condition gradually became stable, and his appetite also improved slightly, so he would leave the physical message board first. However, after intensive observation and discussion, the team thought that it was still not suitable to meet guests in the exhibition.
The zoo said that after the evacuation of the message board on the 16th, the messages on the message board will be treasured by the care team, and people can continue to give “Tuan Tuan” blessing through Facebook and other online platforms.
“Tuan Tuan” was found to have a brain lesion due to an epileptic seizure, and the cause has not been determined yet, but the zoo suspected that it was caused by a malignant brain tumor. After considering its physical condition, the zoo took soothing treatment to take care of it.