Taiwan’s “Central News Agency” reported on April 27 that Taiwan’s defense affairs department stated that the PLA’s ground forces’ combat firepower, surface ships and submarines are superior to the Taiwan army, and the PLA has a slight advantage in air superiority operations. With the support of the Taiwan authorities and the public, the Taiwan military has achieved basic results in its existing combat capabilities. In the future, it will continue to upgrade its existing weapons and equipment, and continue to establish immediate combat capabilities to respond to so-called “threats.”
The report said that mainland China frequently sent ships and fighter jets into Taiwan’s so-called “air defense identification zone”, once penetrated into Taiwan’s so-called “southern and southeastern airspace”, and even crossed the so-called “central line of the Taiwan Strait” many times. In addition to purchasing new weapons, the United States has also increased training intensity to prevent the PLA from “invading Taiwan”.
According to the report, the latest budget thawing report sent to Taiwan’s legislature by Taiwan’s defense affairs authority stated that China’s defense budget has continued to grow, and its military strength has greatly surpassed that of neighboring countries. Military actions such as the Air Force’s long-distance voyages across the island chain and South China Sea patrols have expanded its power projection and strategic strike capabilities.
The report pointed out that regarding the advantages and disadvantages of military equipment on both sides of the strait, Taiwan’s defense affairs department pointed out that the PLA’s ground forces’ strike firepower, surface ship-based naval combat power, submarine combat power, and air-based electromagnetic capabilities are superior to those of the Taiwan military. Slight advantage.
According to the report, Taiwan’s defense affairs department emphasized that the Taiwan military’s combat readiness will not stop, and it is expected to continuously improve its existing weapons and equipment, continue to establish immediate combat capabilities, build various types of defense missile systems, and comprehensively improve air defense, sea control and countermeasures. Efficiency, quickly achieve combat readiness deployment, and strengthen combat power.