Shanghai and Shaanxi Start COVID-19 Vaccination

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention that Shanghai has successively started COVID-19 vaccination, using whole virus inactivated vaccines. With the completion of the first injection of COVID-19 virus vaccine in Shaanxi Province at the Dichang Central Health Center in Konggang New City, Xixian New District, the COVID-19 virus vaccination work for key populations in the province has also been fully launched. It is a key group of people such as customs inspection and quarantine, port border inspection, port import cold chain goods shipment and front-line staff of medical and health institutions.
Shanghai This emergency vaccination mainly involves personnel in key positions with a high risk of contracting COVID-19. Specifically, the front-line customs inspection and quarantine personnel at the port involved in imported cold chain items, port loading and unloading, handling, transportation and other related personnel, international and domestic transportation personnel, overseas work and study personnel, and border port staff who are facing a higher risk of overseas epidemics, Medical and health personnel, government agencies, public security, armed police, firefighting, community workers, water, electricity, gas and other related personnel, transportation, logistics, elderly care, sanitation, funeral, communications and other related personnel. Shanghai will launch the COVID-19 vaccination work for people going abroad for private purposes in due course.
The Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that the recommended immunization program is 2 injections with at least 14 days between them, and the site of the vaccination is the deltoid muscle of the upper arm. Arbitrary adjustment of immune program may affect safety, immune response effect and immune durability.
The Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that the nucleic acid test is for the COVID-19 virus antigen, and the vaccination is an inactivated vaccine. It is a “killed” pathogenic microorganism. It has completely lost its infectivity and replication ability. Will cause COVID-19, and will not test positive for COVID-19 virus nucleic acid due to vaccination.
The Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminded that vaccination can reduce the risk of infection to a certain extent, but the protective effect of any vaccine cannot reach 100%. A small number of people may still not have protection or get sick after vaccination. If necessary, those who vaccinate should still Cooperate with relevant departments for nucleic acid testing. At present, the population immune barrier has not been established. Therefore, after vaccination, personal protective measures such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, opening windows for ventilation, and maintaining social distance are still required.
There are strict approval procedures for the entry and exit of COVID-19 inactivated vaccines. Individuals are not allowed to carry COVID-19 inactivated vaccines out of the country without permission. Otherwise, they may face the risk of violating domestic and foreign laws.
According to the relevant person in charge of the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission, the current epidemic prevention and control is under increasing pressure for “outside prevention and internal prevention and rebound”. Priority is given to personnel in entry-exit inspection and quarantine, customs, quarantine, medical and health personnel, and imported cold chain food Vaccination of high-risk groups such as handling, processing, and sales personnel is an important measure of the current epidemic prevention and control work, and it is also an effective means to prevent the spread of the epidemic.
It is reported that in order to do a good job in vaccination against the COVID-19 virus of key populations, Shaanxi Province has formulated a detailed work plan to train vaccination staff and medical treatment personnel with full coverage online and offline, and conduct a solid survey of key populations and log information of vaccination personnel. , Actively raise funds to purchase vaccines, and standardize vaccine cold chain transportation, storage, and warehouse management. Vaccination work is jointly undertaken by medical institutions above the second level and community health service centers, and the inoculation area of ​​medical institutions shall be rationally and scientifically divided, medical treatment expert groups shall be established, and experienced emergency or critical care personnel shall be on duty throughout the process.