Hubei Successfully Cured More Than 3600 Covid-19 Patients Over 80 Years Old

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, April 12th, on the afternoon of April 5th, good news came from the Intensive Care Unit of Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan City: the oldest patient in the ward-the 85-year-old grandmother who had been treated for 52 days and recovered Discharged!
According to data from the National Health and Health Commission, since the outbreak of the epidemic, the medical team assisting Hubei and Wuhan medical workers in Hubei have fought side by side, and Hubei Province has cured more than 3,600 COVID-19 patients over 80 years old.
When the epidemic struck, some elderly people suffered multiple attacks from COVID-19 and basic diseases, and some lives were in danger.
Do not give up every life-In the fight against epidemics in China, the safety of the people’s lives and physical health have always been given top priority. More than 42,000 medical personnel from all over the country rushed to support Hubei, continually challenged the limits of medicine, worked together to overcome the difficulties of treatment, and created one miracle after another.
On February 13, the grandmother who had been suffering from hypertension for many years was unfortunately diagnosed as a COVID-19 patient, and was subsequently sent to Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital for treatment. In mid-March, when the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital assisted the Wuhan Intensive Care Team to take over the intensive care unit of Jinyintan Hospital, the grandmother had been intubated for more than 3 weeks.
“When I first saw my grandmother, she had COVID-19, high blood pressure, and tracheal intubation. There were multiple infections with drug-resistant bacteria. If the difficulty of treatment is represented by five stars, the difficulty of treatment at that time can reach four and a half stars. It’s very difficult to treat! “Said Li Jinhai, the head of the medical team in charge of Yu’s grandmother treatment.
Getting the grandmother out of the ventilator as soon as possible is the key to treatment. Give medical treatment as soon as possible and gradually adjust the ventilator mode; multi-disciplinary consultations tailor-made a more refined rehabilitation exercise plan and nutrition support program … Under the careful treatment and care of medical staff, on April 5, the grandmother has Without oxygen inhalation, he can eat independently. His body temperature is normal and COVID-19 test is negative, which meets the discharge standard.
“Thanks to the doctor for his life-saving gratitude!” Before leaving the hospital, Grandma Yu thanked the medical staff.
“Improving the cure rate and reducing the mortality rate is the key and focus of medical treatment. In elderly patients with severe and critically ill patients, it is very difficult to treat due to the fact that there are more basic diseases.” Commissioner Jiao Yahui said, “Among these elderly people, more than 90% have underlying diseases, and some serious elderly patients stay in hospital for 50 to 60 days.”
Supporting the “guard umbrella” for the elderly-this is a more challenging battle, medical staff actively cooperate and strive for treatment. Many elderly people over 90 years of age, with heart disease and other diseases “more critically ill” have been rescued.
On March 1, the 98-year-old mother-in-law and 55-year-old daughter Ding, who were listed as critically ill in Jiang’an District of Wuhan City, were both discharged from the Lei Shenshan Hospital in Wuhan; One month of treatment, he was cured and discharged from the West Hospital of Union Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; February 22, 97-year-old COVID-19 patient Xu Xubing was discharged from Wuhan Sixth Hospital after 18 days of treatment …
“Wuhan COVID-19 medical treatment has an overall cure rate of 94%, of which the success rate of 80-year-old elderly is nearly 70%. This is a very rare achievement.” Jiao Yahui said that there are 8 patients over 100 years old in Wuhan Seven were cured and discharged, with a maximum age of 108 years.
It is understood that in the medical treatment of COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, graded treatment is used for patients with mild to severe diseases. If the patient is under 65 years old and has no underlying disease, it is generally treated in a sheltered hospital. For patients over 65 years old, because of the multiple associated basic diseases, they are generally treated in hospital, and they must be treated in a hospital with better conditions.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to it and has always put the safety of people’s lives and physical health first. According to the requirements, Wuhan, Hubei, should do its utmost to do scientific and precise treatment of critically ill patients, and continue to treat every life with the benevolent and highly responsible attitude of the doctors.
“The elderly are more difficult to treat and have more investment in medical resources, but from the perspective of medicine itself, we treat patients equally regardless of gender, age or wealth. Moreover, this is also the ruling philosophy of our party, with the people as the center , Centered on people’s lives and health. “Jiao Yahui said.