China’s Post-90s Per Capita Debt Exceeds 120,000

The bald head, the broken stomach, the nights passed, the loans that have been naked, the face that has been undergone treatment… In the past few years, the post-90s generation has been on the cusp of public opinion. How many people live brightly and lively while living. Not as good as a dog’s life.
Life is stressful and I can’t afford a house. I can always buy a bag I like, the latest mobile phone, and the latest shoes. The house is rented, but life is your own. In short, you must have the most exquisite life, and the quality of life cannot be lost…
“Dare to consume, dare to borrow” is the consumption concept of this generation of young people.

01. In this era, there are far more people who want to lend you money than imagined

On Douban, there is a “Debt Alliance” group of nearly 30,000 people.
Because of uncontrolled consumption, online gambling, etc., this group gathered 27,942 young people with online loans. Most of them are post-90s and college students who have recently graduated.
Most of these young people are tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall and maintaining the situation of “financing loans with loans”. Some people even bear the debts of more than a dozen online lending platforms. The total debt after combining different platforms and profiting is close to Reached one million yuan, and eventually fell into a quagmire, unable to extricate itself.
According to Nielsen’s “Report on China’s Youth Indebtedness”, 86.6% of young people in China are using credit products, and their debt ratio is 47.75%, of which only 13.4% of young people have zero debt. Excluding the “payment instrument” part, nearly 60% of post-90s have substantial debt, which is higher than other young people.
There are beauty loans for beauty, travel loans for travel, and study loans for study. Whether it’s shopping, beauty, takeaway, travel, or studying, consumer loans have already penetrated all aspects of life and are inducing you to pay in installments.
According to the latest display from Huo Bank, as of the end of June 2020, there were 7,333 small loan companies nationwide with a loan balance of 884.1 billion yuan.
In this era, there are far more people who want to lend you money than imagined.

02. The premise of “giving yourself the best” is within your own abilities

There is such a short story about a Chinese old man and an American old man:
The old Chinese saved a lifetime of money and finally bought and moved into a new house in his later years. Old Americans, on the other hand, bought a new house with a loan when they were young, lived in a house for a lifetime, and finally paid off the loan in his later years.
This story reflects the conservative consumption outlook of the Chinese people, but decades have passed, and the situation has changed drastically. Statistics have found that at the beginning of this century, the national savings rate was 55%, while the current savings rate has dropped rapidly to 45. %, residents have a debt of 200 trillion yuan.
Income is not enough to support consumer spending, which is the real life situation of most young people now, but even so, it does not affect buying. So what caused such a big change in consumption outlook?
1. The rapid development of Internet technology has brought an endless stream of microfinance products
How much can an ordinary person borrow with a mobile phone number and an ID card?
The answer is at least 350,000 yuan.
In addition, many platforms can now pay in installments. After the installment, it seems that there is not much money, but the accumulation of less can make more, and it may be a lot of money together.
2. The influence of western consumer thinking
We all know that the consumption concepts of many western countries are advanced consumption. Under the influence of global economic integration, with the development of China’s opening to the outside world, the consumption habits of Chinese people are affected by Western thinking, and people are increasingly inclined to borrow money, etc. Way to meet current consumer demand.
3. Rapid economic development
The growth of the post-90s and post-00s just enjoyed the benefits of the rise of the country’s economy, their material conditions are getting better and better, and their quality of life is gradually improving. However, since they have just started working soon and their income levels are generally low, they are more willing to spend ahead.
4. Advertising and marketing
“Don’t be at the best age, eat thief fat, wear thief ugly, take your own life cheap, and be happy in the beauty of your mobile phone.”
“No girl will become poor because of buying and buying, especially beautiful girls!”
“A smart woman, willing to spend money for herself.”
“The rich are all highly indebted, and they live with other people’s money.”
Various advertisements frequently appear in front of young people like brainwashing, inexplicably affecting this generation of young people.
Marketing is adjusting the standard of happiness higher and higher.
“Give yourself the best within your ability”, young people often remember the latter, but ignore the importance of their ability.

03. How serious are the consequences of overdue credit?

According to data released by the Central Bank, as of the end of September 2019, the number of credit and loan-in-one cards in use totaled 734 million, a month-on-month increase of 3.25%. At the same time, after giving mortgages to young people, banks also experienced large-scale credit overdue.
As of the end of June 2019, my country’s credit card consumption alone has seen a default amount of 8 billion yuan, not to mention financial institutions and online lending platforms with lower audit thresholds.
According to relevant data released by Huifei Bank, the debt-to-income ratio of the post-90s generation reached 1850%, and the per capita debt owed by the post-90s to credit card issuers and various lending institutions has exceeded 120,000 yuan.
So what are the consequences of overdue credit?
1. Overdue affects personal credit, and bad credit affects children’s enrollment
On May 11, a piece of news that “the child of the person who was guilty of failure in Guiyang could not go to school?” was spread widely.
According to a teacher in a private school in Guiyang, he did receive a notice from the Guiyang City Education Bureau requesting to collect the detailed information of the parents of the transfer freshmen, the first and second grades of the school, so that they can be viewed on a website provided by the Education Bureau. Of credit. If one of the parents is listed as a dishonest person, the student cannot be registered for the student.
According to the relevant staff of the Basic Education Division of the Guiyang Education Bureau, relevant notices have indeed been issued.
2. The bank mortgage loan cannot be processed due to overdue, and the deposit of 20,000 is lost.
On October 1, 2017, the plaintiff Zhou and the defendant Yuanmou a developer booked a set of shops. Subsequently, the plaintiff Zhou and the defendant signed a “Subscription Agreement”, agreeing on the total price of the shop subscription, as well as the deposit and mortgage payment. The way deadline and breach of contract.
On October 1, 2017, Zhou paid a deposit of 20,000 yuan and then made a down payment of 100,000 yuan on November 7.
However, due to personal credit issues (the plaintiff’s bank credit card was overdue for 25 months in the last five years, of which 16 months were overdue for more than 90 days), the bank mortgage loan could not be processed, and the plaintiff suggested to the defendant that it was unable to obtain the loan. For the purchase of a house, the defendant was required to return the 120,000 yuan sincerity money paid to the defendant and to cancel the commercial house sales contract signed with the defendant. The defendant did not agree to refund and terminate the contract, and the two parties had a dispute over this.
After the trial, the court ruled to cancel the “Subscription Agreement” signed between the plaintiff Zhou and the defendant; the defendant returned the purchase price of 100,000 yuan to Zhou. The court did not support the plaintiff’s request for the refund of the 20,000 yuan deposit.
3. Sentenced for two years and fined 30,000 yuan for failing to pay back the deadline
Xiao Li applied for a special car installment credit card at a bank in Lijiang, the amount was 410,000 yuan, of which the special installment amount was 400,000 yuan, which needs to be paid off in 36 installments, and the ordinary credit line was 10,000 yuan, which was repaid according to the bill time.
Since February 2014, Xiao Li has been overdue. After waiting for a year without any results, the bank issued two collection notices to Xiao Li in February and May 2015.
After Xiao Li received the notice, he still did not repay the loan. The bank contacted him again through letters, announcements, etc., but Xiao Li still did not return the amount of overdraft he had overdrawn for more than three months, and without informing the bank staff, Fleeing after changing the contact information.
As of June 2017, Xiao Li maliciously overdrafted RMB 267,168.60 in RMB principal with his credit card.
In the end, Xiao Li was arrested in accordance with the law on suspicion of credit card fraud, and the people’s court judged that his behavior constituted a credit card fraud crime. He was sentenced to two years in prison and fined 30,000 yuan.
Overdue credit will not only harm you, but also your family.

04. Conclusion

French sociologist Baudrillard discussed the logic of national consumption in his book “Consumer Society”: “What people consume is not the use value of goods and services, but their symbolic meaning.”
Many people do not consume because of need, but because they want to buy, buy, buy, anyway, I am still young, young is the capital of consumption.
How many young people have “young is capital” deceived? Overdrawing one’s own future and satisfying the desires of the moment will only end up with debts, and life will be a feather.
As most ordinary people, you should live within your means and spend as much money as you can earn.