Ministry Of Transport: Improve China’s International Freight Capacity

The joint defense and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference on the 18th to introduce the improvement of the capacity of international freight corridors and answer questions from reporters.
“Affected by the epidemic situation at home and abroad, China’s international freight has experienced problems such as the backlog of international mail and the difficulty of international transportation of some important production materials, medical materials and consumer goods.” Li Tianbi, Director of Safety of the Ministry of Transport and Director of the Water Transport Bureau, said that the Ministry of Transport and the relevant departments A special class for international logistics work was established to comprehensively coordinate and solve the problems in international logistics.
In order to enhance the international freight capacity, the Ministry of Transport, in conjunction with relevant departments, encourages airlines to use non-stop passenger freight transport to increase air freight capacity; increase the density of flights and increase the capacity of China-Europe train transportation; open up international express ship transportation by reducing Increase the speed of the port and shorten the transportation time; strengthen the deployment of transportation capacity and ensure the normal progress of international road transportation through port transportation. In the next step, we will strengthen the demand connection and transportation guarantee with key departments and enterprises, and promote the construction of the international logistics supply chain information system.
Hou Yanbo, deputy director of the Market Supervision Department of the State Post Bureau, said that the State Post Bureau, together with the relevant departments, vigorously guarantees the smooth flow of international delivery channels. Statistics show that in the first quarter, international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan mail shipments totaled 320 million pieces, a year-on-year increase of 9.5%. The industry showed a trend of steadily growing and rebounding steadily.
Hou Yanbo said that the State Post Bureau will work with relevant departments to guide enterprises to make full use of existing international air freight, China-Europe trains, maritime express ships, and related transportation resources of land transportation in neighboring countries; continue to support postal services, SF Express, etc. Cargo plane postal and courier companies expand their capacity by opening new international routes, adding new cargo planes, etc .; organizing companies by negotiating passengers to change cargo, adding charter flights, point-to-point charter flights, seeking shipping and international rail transportation channels, and increasing overseas warehouses, etc. To strengthen the supply of international transportation capacity; continue to strengthen policy guarantees in terms of reducing the cost of international air freight transportation, opening a green channel for international freight transportation, ensuring the connection between supply and demand, and fast customs clearance of mail and express mail.
“Ocean shipping is the main channel for international freight. In the first quarter of this year, affected by the epidemic, the demand for international shipping continued to shrink. The port cargo throughput and container throughput in China fell by 4.6% and 8.5%, respectively.” Li Tianbi introduced that in order to further For smooth sea transportation, the Ministry of Transport strengthened the monitoring of the operation of mainline ports and liner companies, reduced or exempted some enterprise fees, and coordinated the settlement of refrigerated container port detention issues.
China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. statistics show that in March, China-Europe trains opened a total of 809 trains, sending 73,000 standard containers, an increase of 30% and 36% respectively.
“Recently, the number of imported cases of outbreaks at land ports has increased significantly. It is necessary to strictly observe the prevention and control of epidemic outbreaks in international land cargo transportation.” Li Tianbi said that the Ministry of Transport recently issued a notice requesting the relevant provincial transportation authorities to further regulate the international road cargo drivers ’ Closed management, compact local responsibility for highway port management. The competent departments, transport enterprises and freight yards are required to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures, and strengthen the provision of anti-epidemic materials for drivers, station managers and loading and unloading personnel.
According to reports, as of 24:00 on April 17, 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have 1058 confirmed cases, including 85 severe cases. There were 27 newly confirmed cases on the day, 17 of which were imported from abroad; 5 new suspected cases were imported from abroad; 54 new cases of asymptomatic infections were added, of which 3 were imported from abroad; 50 new cases were discharged on the same day Cases, severe cases decreased by 4 cases.