Chinese Minister Of State Security: Strengthen Research On Non-Traditional Safety Issues Such As Biosecurity

On April 16, Qiushi published the full text of the 8th issue of Qiushi in 2020. Among them, Chen Wenqing, deputy director of the National Security Office in charge of daily work and Minister of National Security, wrote the article “Vivid Practice and Rich Development of the Overall National Security Concept-In-depth Study and Implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Statement on Epidemic Prevention and Control”.
Chen Wenqing discussed in his article “Putting the overall national security concept into all aspects of the whole process of national security work in the new era.” Based on the COVID-19 epidemic, he pointed out, “We must comprehensively strengthen research on non-traditional security issues such as biosecurity, comprehensively analyze the internal and external risk challenges facing China’s biosecurity, and systematically plan the construction of national biosecurity risk prevention and control systems, Effectively improve biosecurity governance capabilities. ”
Specifically, Chen Wenqing wrote:
First, improve the centralized, unified, efficient and authoritative national security leadership system.
The epidemic prevention and control struggle once again proved that the party’s leadership is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, historical changes have taken place in national security work, historic achievements have been made, they have been comprehensively strengthened, and we have firmly grasped the overall importance of maintaining national security initiative. Upholding the party’s absolute leadership over national security work is the fundamental follow that must be firmly grasped in national security work.
We must sum up experience from the practice of the Party Central Committee in responding to a series of major risks and challenges in these years, so that we can fight again, improve the centralized, efficient and authoritative national security leadership system, and further strengthen the party ’s absolute leadership over national security work. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the “national nerve center” of the Central National Security Committee in decision-making and coordination of national security affairs, improve the coordination mechanism of national security work in key areas, study and formulate and guide the implementation of national security strategies and major policies, and coordinate and coordinate major national security issues and Important work to enhance the initiative, timeliness, and coordination of national security affairs decision-making and implementation, and enhance the ability to manage risks and meet challenges. We must conscientiously implement the “Regulations on the National Security Responsibility System of the Party Committee (Party Group)”, standardize and strengthen the construction of national security work organizations in various regions and departments, and ensure that the Party Central Committee’s decisions on national security work are implemented.
Second, focus on improving the national security system.
The Fourth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party made the strategic deployment of “improving the national security system”, which indicated the way forward for advancing the modernization of the governance system and governance capabilities in the national security field in the new era. The overall national security concept plans to build a national security system that integrates security in various fields, and responds to all kinds of complex security challenges. Judging from the epidemic situation, coordinating traditional security and non-traditional security is an important focus of improving the national security system for a period to come. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the research on non-traditional safety issues such as biosecurity, comprehensively analyze the internal and external risk challenges facing China’s biosecurity, systematically plan the construction of national biosecurity risk prevention and control systems, and effectively improve biosecurity governance capabilities.
Third, vigorously improve national security capabilities.
National security capability is a systematic capability that involves all aspects. The key now is to instruct General Secretary Jin Ping to instruct to further enhance the ability to prevent and resolve major risks. According to the deployment of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party, a sound mechanism for national security risk research and judgment, prevention and control coordination, and prevention and resolution should be established to improve the ability to prevent and withstand national security risks. It is necessary to further improve the national security operation mechanism of various departments in various regions, strengthen the collection, aggregation, research and judgment of national security intelligence information, and vigorously improve the ability to predict, warn and prevent various risks such as “black swan” and “gray rhino”. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the cross-departmental and cross-sectoral coordination of national security work, do a good job in crisis management and prevention and resolution, not only to find problems and predict risks, but also to solve problems and eliminate risks, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. .
Fourth, strengthen national security and the rule of law.
Maintaining national security according to law is an important guarantee for the long-term stability of the party and the country in the new era. Being good at using the rule of law thinking and rule of law to carry out national security work, promoting the construction of a national security legal system with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively improving the level of legalization of national security work are inevitable requirements for implementing the overall national security concept. In the next step, we must step up the promotion of biosafety laws and regulations, strengthen management in the field of biosafety according to law, and strictly prevent strategic harm. It is necessary to improve legislation, strictly enforce laws, and resolutely crack down on acts that endanger national security in various fields such as political security and economic security.
Fifth, strengthen national security publicity and education.
History and reality prove that the foundation of national security lies in the people, and the strength lies in the people; the people ’s hearts are the greatest politics and the greatest security. The national security awareness of the people has been improved, and national security has a solid guarantee. On the fifth national security education day for all people, we should guide the overall national security concept, popularize the awareness of “big security”, focus on promoting the institutionalization and normalization of national security education, and ensure that national security publicity and education enter the government, villages, and villages. Community, school, enterprise, military camp, network. It is necessary to continuously enrich and improve the national security education support system, strengthen the construction of national security theory, disciplines and talents, and form a strong social consensus to maintain national security.