It’s Been 13 Years Since The Wenchuan Earthquake

May 12, 2021 is the 13th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake.
Ten years of life and death are boundless. This natural disaster that occurred on May 12, 2008 has become the common memory of the Chinese nation.
Thirteen years have passed since the Wenchuan Earthquake has brought individual and historical changes, which have not been completely far away.
What happened to the disaster-stricken people and soldiers who faced the life-or-death decision during the earthquake recorded by those footages?
Lin Hao, sub-squad leader of the Wenchuan earthquake
Lin Hao was studying in the second grade of Yuzixi Primary School in Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan County. When the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, he was not buried deep, so it took him two hours to crawl out by himself. Then he turned around, removed the movable concrete steel bars, and rescued two classmates.
In June of that year, he was awarded the title of “Heroic Teenager in Earthquake Relief” for saving his classmates. At the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Lin Hao and Yao Ming served as the standard bearers of the Chinese delegation.
After the earthquake, Lin Hao participated in the filming of film and television dramas such as “My Special One Camp”. At the end of 2020, when Lin Hao was interviewed by the media, he was studying at the Shanghai Publishing and Printing College. At the university, he was still the monitor. Zeng was not admitted to Zhongxi, Nanyi and Shangxi because he was not tall enough to be 1.7 meters tall, but he still looks forward to filming. If he were not an actor, Lin Hao said he would work in the cultural industry.
Li Xinyu, a one-armed girl from the Wenchuan earthquake
The earthquake caused 7-year-old Li Xinyu to lose his right hand.
In the hospital, she held a pen in her left hand and practiced writing stroke by stroke on the calligraphy book her mother bought for her. After she was discharged from the hospital, she could already write a good hand on the paper.
After the earthquake, Zhu Jiaqing of Yangzhou, Jiangsu has been funding Li Xinyu’s living expenses on a monthly basis until now. In 2020, Li Xinyu re-entered the college entrance examination and was admitted to the law major of Central China Normal University with an excellent score of 625 points.
She said that she wanted to be a teacher and help more people in need like someone who helped her.
Wenchuan Earthquake “Fan Paopao” Fan Meizhong
In June 2008, Fan Meizhong defended herself on the Phoenix TV program “One Tiger One Seat”.
Fan Meizhong did not appear in the public eye for a long time.
He has become a less positive symbol in the Wenchuan earthquake. When the earthquake occurred, he left the students in class and was the first to escape from the classroom. Although the students at his Guangya School were unscathed, he was still dubbed by the public a rather insulting nickname-“Fan Paopao.”
What people don’t understand is that Fan Meizhong did not have any regrets and self-blame afterwards. “At this moment of life and death decision, only for the sake of my daughter can I consider sacrificing myself. Other people, even my mother, under this circumstance. I won’t care. Because I can’t hold an adult, I can’t escape one by one.”
In 2015, Fan Meizhong gave up his teaching position at Guangya School and returned to his family. The latest news about him also stayed in 2018, describing him as “a challenger to the social moral order covered in spines”, ten years later he became “a family who was polished to be round and smooth and could hold a spatula to cook in the kitchen. male”.
He buys vegetables and cooks every day, and educates his son and daughter. Taking advantage of the gap in life, he will stay at the corner of the desk at home and study Chinese classical literature and philosophy. “Under the east fence of picking chrysanthemum, you can see Nanshan leisurely.”
Wenchuan Earthquake Airborne “15 Warriors”
In the Wenchuan earthquake, there was also a special group known to the public-an advance squad consisting of 15 airborne troops.
After the earthquake occurred, Maoxian, located in the epicenter zone, was interrupted for a long time in communication and transportation with the outside world, becoming an “island”, and the situation in the earthquake area cannot be understood by outsiders.
On the morning of May 14, Li Zhenbo, then director of the Airborne Forces Research Institute, led a detachment, carrying communications, guidance, and reconnaissance equipment, and jumped from an altitude of 4999 meters in two batches. There was no weather data and no ground. Under the conditions of the “three nos” with signs and no command and guidance, they “blindly jumped” to the Maoxian area. At this time, 46 hours have passed since the earthquake occurred. These 15 people were the first investigators and rescuers to enter the earthquake area.
Today, many of the “15 Warriors” have retired from the military, some have become civilian police, some have become grassroots cadres, and some have become long-distance bus drivers.
Li Yajun changed his fate because of this parachuting. After being reported by the media, a female college student who was volunteering in the disaster area found his phone. The two often sent text messages, and then they got together.
On September 17, 2020, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese paratroopers, these 15 former paratroopers gathered again and took a group photo taken 12 years later.
There are still many impressive faces in the Wenchuan earthquake. The “Salute Boy” Lang Zheng who was rescued is now in middle school.
Qiao Lianzhen, an 8-year-old boy who lost his parents in the earthquake, was funded by a kind person in Guangxi and moved to Liuzhou, Guangxi. In 2020, he will officially join the army.
In 13 years
Although the protagonist in the news has stayed away from the spotlight
Their lives are still moving forward
Time is the best healer
13 years have passed
No matter how much disaster you have experienced or how bad your reputation is
In the end, time will be drawn into the logic of life itself
All this is diluted by life
Finally return to ordinary