The Ryukyu Islands Will Also Be Returned To China

On the morning of April 13, the Japanese government approved the discharge of nuclear sewage from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea. Japan’s criminal behavior is creating a global ecological disaster and anti-human behavior.
The Japanese government still insists on claiming that “the discharged nuclear waste water meets international standards, and the concentration of tritium has been diluted to 1/40 of the national standard, which is also 1/7 of the drinking water standard set by the WHO.” However, American scientists said that nuclear waste water still contains a variety of radioactive components, especially the isotope tritium content is very high, it is difficult to be removed, if humans eat contaminated fish, nuclear pollution will invade the human body and damage human DNA .
If 1.37 million tons of nuclear sewage are dumped into the sea, the German Academy of Marine Sciences believes that Japan will spread radioactive materials to the Pacific within 57 days from the date of discharge, and cover the United States and Canada in three years, and in five years. It will reach the North American continent, return to East Asia and pollute the Pacific in 10 years, and these radioactive materials will spread throughout the world in 30 years. The four neighboring countries, South Korea, China, Russia, and North Korea, have the greatest impact. Fish migration, offshore fisheries, ecological safety, food safety, biological genes, etc. that will also affect the world will become a world-wide long-term disaster, because the radioactive elements in nuclear sewage will not completely disappear for thousands of years.
In the Fukushima Prefecture Residents’ Health Survey released in March this year, it has been confirmed that the incidence of adolescent thyroid cancer has increased by 118 times!
To deal with the hooliganism of a rogue country like Japan, it is necessary to “return the human body by its own way”, and to find their weakness and attack them. According to the timetable proposed by the Japanese government, the international community still has time to do the following:
The first is to unite multiple countries to call for the adoption of a resolution in the United Nations to strongly condemn such criminal acts in Japan, and strive to pass a resolution that imposes comprehensive sanctions on Japan and force Japan to revoke this decision.
Second, the international community must claim compensation from Japan from the perspective of human rights and environmental protection. Japan’s frantic behavior has violated the fundamental interests of human survival, and all countries in the world have the right to demand compensation from Japan.
The third is to set up an international nuclear expert team to investigate and test the situation of nuclear sewage in Fukushima, assess the possible damage to the global ecology after dumping, and submit the findings of the investigation to the UN Security Council and release it globally.
The fourth is to reclaim the sovereignty of the Ryukyu Islands. According to the “Cairo Declaration” formed after World War II, Japan’s territory is limited to the four mainland islands, namely Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and the rest will be returned to China, including the Ryukyu Islands and Diaoyu Islands. After Japan’s surrender, the Kuomintang was relying on US military assistance to fight the civil war and proposed to co-manage with the United States. In fact, the Ryukyu Islands have always been under the jurisdiction of the US military. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States needed Japan to become a logistics base, so it actively supported Japan, and at the same time placed Ryukyu under the trusteeship of Japan, and adopted the Japanese name, Okinawa. We cannot passively stay on the Diaoyu Islands issue, but should put forward a request to recover the sovereignty of the entire Ryukyu Islands.
We have noticed that the authorities of Western countries have so far been numb to Japan’s actions. It proves once again that they are only making decisions based on political and ideological issues, and once again proves how hypocritical and hypocritical their so-called “democracy and human rights” are!
Japan as a country has always been afraid of power but not morals. Its national characteristics are bullying and fearing hardship. In the face of Japan’s anti-human actions, governments all over the world have the right, responsibility, and obligation to adopt economic sanctions, military self-defense intervention, and compulsory technology. Inspections, assistance and supervision, legal compensation and other methods are used to fight back. This time, Japan must be made aware of the seriousness of the situation. Today’s world no longer allows them to do whatever they want when they participated in the Second World War!
Further reading:
Taiwanese media: The US and Japan will exercise in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands, and the Taiwan military directly “kneeled”
According to Taiwan media reports, in response to the recent announcement by the United States and Japan that they will hold military exercises in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands, Zhang Zheping, deputy head of Taiwan’s defense department, stated in Taiwan’s legislature this morning (April 1) that the Diaoyu Islands are inherent to the “Republic of China”. Territory will never change this fact because of any unilateral actions, but Taiwan’s military strength is limited, and now the Taiwan authorities can only express their “sovereignty” stance through some external propaganda methods. Taiwan’s defense department will pay close attention to and grasp any situation in the surrounding areas, as well as sea and air developments.
Earlier, according to the Japanese News on March 17, the U.S. and Japan’s defense ministers reached an agreement in Tokyo on March 16, that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military will hold joint exercises in the waters of my country’s Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands. The armed forces of the sea, land and air will be dispatched, and the United States will also send personnel from the Marine Corps, Army, Navy and Air Force to participate. During the exercise, the United States and Japan will conduct an exercise on the role division of landing or “recovering” the Diaoyu Islands in the event of a war breaking out on the Diaoyu Islands. The “Japan News” even publicly declared that the purpose of the US-Japan joint military exercises in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands is to target China and to “contain China’s invasion of Japanese territorial waters.”
Today, the “Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission” of the Taiwan legislature also invited the Taiwan authorities “Director of the National Security Agency” Chen Mingtong, the Taiwan authorities “Deputy Minister of Defense” Zhang Zheping, and other department heads to report “Recently the United States, Mainland China” And the impact of the development of trilateral relations in Taiwan and surrounding seas on Taiwan.”
Zhang Zheping, deputy head of Taiwan’s defense department, was questioned today at the “Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission”, the legislature of the Taiwan region
At the report meeting, Taiwan’s DPP legislator Liu Shifang asked whether Japan and the United States will conduct military exercises in the Diaoyutai waters or the Japanese waters. In this regard, Taiwan’s “National Security Agency Director” Chen Mingtong said that the US-Japan exercises are probably It will be held in September and October. As for what sea areas are included in the specific scope of the exercise that everyone is concerned about, Taiwan’s “Deputy Minister of National Defense” Zhang Zheping stated that according to the information currently obtained by the Taiwan authorities’ “Ministry of National Defense”, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces will conduct exercises in the waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands. Although the United States and Japan jointly announced that they will conduct large-scale exercises, there are currently no landmarks, nor have they disclosed the scale, location, and time of the exercises.
In addition, Taiwan media reports also stated that regarding the widely rumors that “the People’s Liberation Army will also follow up on the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands if the U.S. and Japanese troops arrive at the Diaoyu Islands by then”, Chen Mingtong said that he felt that this was “a lot of talk.” , The intelligence department of the Taiwan authorities judged it as “cognitive warfare.”
Regarding the future US and Japan military exercises in the waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands, Taiwan’s position has been asked. Zhang Zheping, deputy head of Taiwan’s defense department, said that if the US and Japan conduct military exercises in the waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands, the Taiwan authorities’ consistent position is The Diaoyu Islands are the inherent territory of the “Republic of China” and will never change this fact because of unilateral actions. However, limited by Taiwan’s military strength, it can only express its position through some external propaganda methods. Taiwan’s defense department will pay close attention to and grasp any surrounding intelligence, naval and air dynamics.
In addition, at today’s Taiwan legislature questioning meeting, the written report issued by the Taiwan’s defense department fully exposed its coherence with the United States and Japan. The U.S. military and security relations have helped to enhance the defense capabilities of the Taiwan region and exert Taiwan’s strategic value.
According to the report, the “Four-year National Defense Review” of the Taiwan Defense Department has listed cognitive warfare, information warfare, and aircraft and ship “intrusion” as a new form of threat to Taiwan by the People’s Liberation Army. The purpose is to shake people’s morale before regular operations and try to achieve it. The purpose of depleting the combat readiness of the Taiwan military. In this regard, the Taiwan military will deal with it flexibly and strengthen the response mechanism to reduce the impact of the PLA threat.
The report also pointed out that in response to the continuous military modernization process of the People’s Liberation Army, Taiwan’s military will “deeply cultivate” the development of asymmetric combat capabilities and develop long-range precision strike systems based on the principle of “small, large, mobile, and difficult to counter”, and strengthen electronic warfare. , Information warfare, network management combat capabilities, to destroy and attack important military targets on the mainland, and to establish heavy resistance.
In addition, Taiwan’s defense department also pinned its hopes on U.S. intervention, saying that the U.S. will also continue to promote the Indo-Pacific strategy in a multilateral manner. The Taiwan region will strengthen security dialogue and military cooperation with its “allies”, and closely respond to challenges and integrate. Allies took concerted action, so that the PLA could not bear the cost of attacking Taiwan and deter the PLA’s military operations.
Since the beginning of this year, Chinese Coast Guard ships have continued to cruise in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands. The Japanese government recently stated that if foreign official ships force land on the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese side may use weapons when necessary. In response to the Japanese threat, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense successively spoke out on March 1.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at a regular press conference on March 1 that the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory. The Chinese coast guard’s patrol enforcement in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands is a legitimate measure for China to exercise its sovereignty in accordance with the law. Wang Wenbin emphasized that China is unwavering in its determination and will to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and will resolutely respond to any provocative and adventurous actions against the Diaoyu Islands. We urge the Japanese side to strictly abide by the spirit of the four-point principled consensus between China and Japan, and stop dangerous words and deeds that may complicate the situation on the Diaoyu Islands.
When answering questions from reporters that day, the Information Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense also emphasized that the Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory, which has sufficient historical and legal basis. The law enforcement activities carried out by Chinese government ships within the territorial waters of the country are legitimate and undisputed, and will continue to be normalized. Japan is an important neighbor of China. We hope that Japan will focus on the overall long-term development of bilateral relations, meet China halfway, and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the spirit of mutual cooperation partners and not pose threats to each other to achieve common development and benefit the two countries and their peoples.
Expert: China should worry more about the Diaoyu Islands than the Taiwan issue with regard to the U.S.-Japan joint statement
Direct News: During the talks between the leaders of the United States and Japan, the Taiwan Strait issue was discussed and the content of Taiwan was included in the joint statement, which was alleged for the first time since 1969. In your opinion, why does Japan keep increasing its focus on the Taiwan issue?
Huang Jing, Academic Dean of the National and Regional Research Institute of Beijing Language and Culture University: I think the statement made for the first time since 1969 is wrong. In fact, when the U.S. and Japan renewed the “U.S.-Japan Security Treaty” in 1997, there was a special section of the Taiwan waters. The safety of Japan is included in Japan’s safety considerations. This time it was only mentioned in the form of a joint statement by the leaders of the United States and Japan.
In fact, successive Japanese prime ministers have mentioned the Taiwan issue. For example, during the Koizumi period, the joint statement of the US Foreign Minister and the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs also mentioned that the Taiwan issue was often mentioned in subsequent US and Japanese statements, so this time the key is to join forces between the US President and the Japanese Prime Minister. The form of the statement was put forward. In fact, on this issue, it did not go beyond the scope of the 1997 “U.S.-Japan Security Treaty”, and he added a sentence after him saying that both the United States and Japan hope to resolve the Taiwan issue peacefully. So I think this time is not a major breakthrough between the United States and Japan.
What we are most worried about now is that since the 1997 “U.S.-Japan Security Treaty” expired a long time ago, it will be revised. During the revision, I was afraid that the United States and Japan would formally incorporate Taiwan’s defense into the defense provisions of the “U.S.-Japan Security Treaty.” In other words, a previous concern has been turned into a real US-Japan security treaty, and they must be assisted in their defense. If you get to this point, the problem will be more serious.
Zhi Shimbun: Some analysts say that due to historical reasons, Japan actually has deeper strategic, political, historical, and economic considerations than the United States on the Taiwan issue. What do you think of this statement?
Huang Jing, Academic Dean of the National and Regional Research Institute of Beijing Language and Culture University: First of all, Taiwan has been a colony of Japan for more than 50 years. Japan has worked hard in Taiwan. This is the first historical reason. The second point is that Taiwan is indeed very important to Japan, because once Taiwan falls, the US and Japan security will be cut at the waist, and Japan will face a very sinister strategic environment. Because there is Russia to the north, mainland China and Taiwan here, Japan feels like being surrounded, especially Taiwan will become an important maritime strategic point to contain Japan, so Japan cares about Taiwan very much. But on the other hand, Japan also knows that the Taiwan issue is China’s core interest and cannot be moved. Therefore, previous Japanese governments have been relatively conservative on the Taiwan issue, especially now that Sino-Russian relations are very good, and China-Russia has established a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination. For Japan, antagonizing China and Russia at the same time is a nightmare for Japan.
Therefore, if Japan dares to leapfrog the pond on the Taiwan issue, it is likely to make the strategic nightmare of being enemies with China and Russia at the same time a reality. Therefore, Japan is very careful.
In fact, in the US-Japan joint statement this time, it is not Taiwan that deserves China’s attention, but the Diaoyu Islands. This is because when Hillary Clinton visited Japan in October 2010, the Diaoyu Islands were officially included in the scope of Article 5 of the “US-Japan Security Treaty.” Since then, the U.S. government’s policy on the Diaoyu Islands has been three inseparable points. The first point is that Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty “covers the defense of the Diaoyu Islands”; the second point is that the United States firmly opposes the use of force by any party to resolve the Diaoyu Islands issue; and the third point is that the United States has no sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands territory. Take a stand.
And this time the U.S.-Japan joint statement, including the previous U.S.-Japan “2+2” joint statement and this time, publicly stated that not only Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty “covers the defense of the Diaoyu Islands”, but also the original two last two. No trace. The two articles opposing the use of force and not taking a stand on sovereignty are gone. Instead, an article is added saying that the United States opposes any party unilaterally undermining “Japan’s jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands.”
This issue was very vague in the past by the United States, but now that the United States opposes “unilaterally undermining Japan’s jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands,” it is tantamount to publicly acknowledging that Japan has jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands. This is a major change. I think our media and our policy makers must realize this, because this is a point that will cause endless harm in the future. Regarding the Taiwan issue, despite the fact that this time it was mentioned in the joint statement by the leaders of the United States and Japan, there was no policy breakthrough, and it was still within the scope of the 1997 “U.S.-Japan Security Treaty.”
Zhixin News: Combined with the actions of the Biden administration on the Taiwan issue, how do you analyze the positioning of the Taiwan issue in the US foreign strategy? What are the possible new changes in the means of manipulating the “Taiwan card” in the future?
Huang Jing, Academic Dean of the National and Regional Research Institute of Beijing Language and Culture University: In fact, Taiwan is a card for the United States. For the interests of the United States, the longer the card is played, the better. If the card is lost, there is no card to play. Therefore, the attitude of the American establishment has always been to maintain the status quo on the Taiwan issue, and the so-called maintenance of the status quo is to play the Taiwan card as long as possible. If it really crosses the border, the United States will have no cards to play.
So this time Biden sent him three good friends. In fact, there are only two good friends. These two are former Senator Dodd in his seventies and former Deputy Secretary of State Steinberg, both of whom are The Democratic Party is indeed a good friend of Biden. Armitage is actually a Republican. This person has always been known as a “pro-Taiwan”. He is a Republican, not a good friend, but all three of them have very high positions. The purpose of their going to Taiwan seems to me. It is precisely to suppress Tsai Ing-wen, not to allow Tsai Ing-wen to overly undermine the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, and not to let Tsai Ing-wen go too far on the road of “Taiwan independence”, so that the United States can hold Taiwan and continue to use Taiwan as a card to play with China. .
In fact, this is the consistent practice of the United States. On the one hand, it pulls Japan and raises the Taiwan issue in the joint statement with Japan, putting pressure on China. On the other hand, three former high-ranking officials were sent to put pressure on Tsai Ing-wen, telling Tsai Ing-wen not to talk nonsense. Two-sided pressure, the so-called two-sided deterrence, is aimed at maintaining the so-called U.S. dominance on Taiwan Strait issues and maintaining a status quo that is beneficial to the United States, rather than encouraging Tsai Ing-wen to engage in “independence” as some media have said. , Because Tsai Ing-wen’s “independence” is not of much use to the United States.
I think the Taiwan card has almost been manipulated and discarded, because Trump has no overall view of the international situation at all, and he is chaotic, which has led to the current tension in the Taiwan Strait, and mainland China has also taken the opportunity to take advantage of Trump’s stupidity. The Taiwan Strait issue has been greatly pushed forward. For example, flying and navigating around Taiwan has become the norm, which was not available before. Another example is that the so-called “Taiwan Central Line” set by them no longer exists, and the mainland can cross the “Taiwan Central Line” at any time. Another example is the use of a large number of aircraft and warships to fly around the Taiwan Strait, etc. These are all very effective means of exerting pressure. Obviously this is detrimental to the status quo of the United States, so in fact the United States wants to recycle. So I think that in the future, the Biden administration will return to the practices of Obama, Bush Jr. and Clinton on the Taiwan issue in the future.
In other words, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979, the consistent policy of the United States has been three points. First, recognize that the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing China. The second point is that the so-called “Taiwan status is undetermined”, it only says that the Taiwan issue should be resolved by both sides of the strait. As for how to solve it, then it puts forward the third article, which must be resolved peacefully. But for mainland China, reunification is our goal, and peace is only a means. We can be reunified peacefully or by force if necessary.
But for the United States, peace is the goal. I think the Biden administration will try its best to maintain the so-called status quo across the Taiwan Strait for as long as possible, so that Taiwan belongs to a status quo that can neither be reunified nor “independence”. The United States can squeeze Taiwan’s strategic value for a long time. So if you look at it this way, Taiwan is actually very uncomfortable, but it is self-inflicted.
Direct News: While the United States seeks to have a dialogue with China on climate issues, it also takes action against China on issues such as chips, technology, personal information, exchange rates, and human rights. How do you judge the bilateral relationship between China and the United States, which is integrated and multi-faceted, but the contradictions are more prominent?
Huang Jing, Academic Dean of the National and Regional Research Institute of Beijing Language and Culture University: We believe that Trump is completely unreliable to China. After Bi came to power, some people said that he inherited Trump’s policies. I disagree.
After Biden took office, there were two biggest differences in China’s policies. First, he handles Sino-US relations from the perspective of multilateralism, while Trump handles it from the perspective of unilateralism. In fact, there is more room for maneuvering in Sino-US relations, and more room for maneuvering. Because you engage in multilateralism, China also engages in multilateralism, which means that Sino-US relations are not limited to the two major powers of China and the United States, but also limited to the so-called allies of the United States, Europe, Japan and so on. The relationship between these countries and China and their interests on China issues are not completely consistent with the United States. Therefore, if Biden wants to deal with Sino-US relations from a multilateralist perspective, in fact, it is an objective fact to expand the space for the transformation of Sino-US relations. I think this is not a bad thing.
Another more important point is that Biden has incorporated the factor of cooperation into Sino-US relations. During the Trump era, Sino-US relations had no cooperation, only competition and hostility. This time, Biden and Brinken both said that there are three factors in Sino-US relations. In Blincoln’s words, they must compete. Time to compete. We must pay attention to what he said, “Compete when we must compete, cooperate when we should cooperate, and confront when we have to confront.” Confrontation is a must, that is, the last way. So let me repeat again. At present, we take multilateralism as a perspective and a starting point for handling Sino-US relations, and at the same time incorporate the concept of cooperation into Sino-US relations.
In the current Sino-US relationship, although the grand strategic pattern of Sino-US competition will not change, I think the Biden administration wants to stabilize the competition. Because only by stabilizing the Sino-US competition, first, will bring more certainty to the whole world; second, Biden can turn around and deal with more difficult domestic problems. Because for Biden, the domestic problems in the United States are the most important issues. At this time, if Sino-US relations become unstable, Biden will be attacked by opposition parties at any time in the country, which will put him at a disadvantage. In this sense, I think that for the Biden administration, his policy towards China is basically rational. Of course, this rationality is based on the interests of the United States, not the interests of China. His criticism and toughness of China are largely consumed by domestic politics.
So we must have a rational view on this. What I am worried about is that because Biden is facing very serious domestic problems and very strong domestic opposition forces, Biden’s China policy may start with rationality and end in chaos. This is something to worry about.