“The Best of China” in Inner Mongolia

The Best of China in Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia is located in the north of China, bordering Russia and Mongolia. Inner Mongolia has a total area of 1.183 million square kilometers and a permanent population of 25.396 million. Inner Mongolia is a region dominated by Mongolians, and there are many “China’s best” on this magical grassland.
1. Inner Mongolia is the province with the most intrusive stages and the widest distribution area in China. Among them, Daxinganling is the most widely distributed area of ​​Mesozoic volcanic rocks in my country.
2. Inner Mongolia is the most famous fossil producing area from Cretaceous to Quaternary in Asia. Especially the Tertiary fossils, from the Eocene to the Pliocene, have the most complete stratum development and are recognized as the “standard profile” of Asia in the world.
3. The 120 million-year-old “Chagannuoer Dinosaur” unearthed in 1985 in Sunite Right Banner of Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia is the largest dinosaur fossil skeleton discovered in China. The body length is 22.4 meters, the back height is 7 meters, and the head height is 12 meters.
4. The skeleton fossil of a mammoth unearthed in the Zarainuoer Coal Mine of Hulunbuir League in Inner Mongolia is currently the largest fossil of a mammoth skeleton in the world.
5. The Tongguer Basin in Sunite Left Banner of Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia is the largest Miocene mammalian fossil source discovered in China.
6. The Pingdingshan glacial mollusk group in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, is the largest glacial mollusk found in northern China. It has the most types, the largest scale, and the highest distribution position. There are more than 30 ice mortars distributed in two communities in the north and south, more than 400 meters apart, all on the ridge with an altitude of more than 700 meters. The largest ice mortar has a diameter of 4.5 meters and a depth of about 1.9 meters. The mouth is small and the bottom is flat, regular and complete.
7. The “circular water system” crater found in Duolun County and Zhenglan Banner, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia, is the largest of the four craters discovered in my country and the second largest crater in the world.
8. The Laoshidan silicified wood unearthed near the Laoshidan Coal Mine in Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia is the longest silicified wood fossil unearthed in my country. The length is 38 meters, the root diameter is 0.87 meters, and the geological age is the Carboniferous Permian.
9. The Dayao stone tool manufacturing site in the northeast of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, is the largest Paleolithic quarry found at home and abroad.
10. The jasper dragon unearthed at Sanxingta La in Wengniute Banner, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, is the earliest, largest, and most exquisite dragon-shaped jade discovered in China. According to research, about 5000 years ago, it belongs to the Neolithic relic of primitive society. The color is dark green, the body is curly, and the height is 26 cm. It is a round sculpture of a piece of jade. The details are embossed and light-sculpted. The whole body is polished, smooth and round. The dragon’s body stretches and flexes vigorously, its long mane is high, and it looks very alive.
11. Inner Mongolia is the region where the most abundant rock paintings have been found in China. The Yinshan Mountains, Wulanchabu Rocks and Helan Mountains are known as the “Three Treasures of Rock Paintings”.
12. The Hongshan Culture, which represents its highest stage of development, represented by altars, temples, and tombs, has the widest and most concentrated distribution in Inner Mongolia; primitive agriculture is the most developed and has the largest population; primitive art has the highest achievements; it is the earliest “ancient country” in northern China “.
13. The Xiajiadian lower-level culture represented by the large, medium and small three-level stone city sites has the widest and most concentrated distribution in Inner Mongolia, and has the most complete social organization and defense facilities. It is the earliest primitive city and primitive “Fangguo” in northern China.
14. The Chifeng area of ​​Inner Mongolia was the first place in China where the original crop, a millet, was successfully cultivated. The Neolithic carbonized millet (Milk millet) seeds unearthed in the suburbs of Chifeng have a history of 4,000 years.
15. Inner Mongolia is the province with the most preserved ancient Great Wall ruins and the longest mileage. Among them, there is the most complete section of the Zhao Great Wall at 17 kilometers from Baotou City to Shiguai; in Bayannaoer League Urad Front Banner Xiaoyu Taixiang and Baotou Guyang County, there is the most complete Qin Great Wall in my country. Paragraph, the former is more than 200 kilometers long, and the latter is nearly 100 kilometers long.
16. The “Qin Zhi Road” that traverses the Ordos Plateau in Inner Mongolia was the earliest high-grade highway in China 2000 years ago. Historical data records: “The Dao Guang is fifty steps away, with golden cones hidden, and trees with green pine”, “Dry eight hundred miles, cut mountains and valleys, and go straight to it.”
17. The octagonal dense eaves brick tower (commonly known as Daming Pagoda) on the Liaozhongjing site in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, is 80.22 meters high and has a circumference of 113 meters. It is the largest existing Liao Dynasty ancient tower in China.
18. The “Zhongtong Yuanbao Handover” found in the Huayan Sutra Pagoda of Wanbu in the Liao Dynasty in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, is the earliest surviving official paper currency in China. The engraving and printing time is the Kublai Era in the first year of Zhongtong in the Yuan Dynasty (1260 AD).
19. The Mongolian stone carved astronomical map on the back wall of the “Kingangza Reli Pagoda” of the Wuta Temple in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia is the world’s best astronomical data marked in Mongolian. It has integrated foreign astronomical knowledge into the traditional Chinese astronomical system in. Engraved with 270 stars and more than 1550 stars. The diameter of the astronomical map is 1.449 meters.
20. “Dashengkui”, a time-honored ethnic trade brand in Inner Mongolia, was once the largest merchant in Mongolia in modern Chinese business history. It opened in the Kangxi and Yongzheng reigns of the Qing Dynasty, and closed in 1929 for 200 years. Holding the business license “Dragon Ticket” with the seal of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, it was always refused to be located in Naturalization City, centered on Ulyasutai and Kobdo, and operated in western Inner Mongolia, most of Outer Mongolia and Russia. In Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Hu, Guangzhou and other places in China, there are branch, trumpet and zhuangzhuang staff. There are 6000 to 7000 employees, including herdsmen and workers, and the total trade volume is average The year is about ten million silver. Experts said that “the wide range of business, the large volume of trade, and the large amount of profit are rare in the history of my country’s trade.”
twenty one. Inner Mongolia Land Reclamation Enterprise is the province with the most farmland and pasture land in all provinces in China, with a land area of ​​6.2 million hectares under its jurisdiction.
twenty two. The brown, large-grained wheat produced in the western region of Inner Mongolia has the first quality in the country, and has a high rate of flour extraction with large grains and thin skins. It is second to none in the international market.
twenty three. Inner Mongolia is the province with the largest castor planting area and the most output in China. The main producing area, Zhelimu League, is a famous castor production base in my country
twenty four. Inner Mongolia is the largest potato production base in China, with a planting area of ​​413,000 hectares, accounting for 18% of the country.
25. The Hetao Irrigation District in Bayannaoer League, Inner Mongolia, is the largest artesian irrigation district in Asia. The total area of ​​the irrigation area is 1.189 million hectares. The Yellow River draws water from the natural flow. The irrigation conditions are superior, and the main drainage project has been basically formed.
26. The Molimiao Reservoir in Zhelimu League of Inner Mongolia is the largest desert reservoir in Asia. It is 11,000 meters long and 100m wide at the bottom. The reservoir dam is built with sand.
27. The pyramid sand hill (sand dune) in the Badain Jaran Desert in the desert center of Alxa League in Inner Mongolia is 500 meters high and is the highest sand hill in China.
28. Inner Mongolia has the largest pasture and natural pasture in China. The grassland area is 86.67 million hectares, of which 68 million hectares are effective natural pastures, accounting for 27% of the country’s pasture area.
29. Hulunbuir Prairie is the place with the largest reserved area of ​​natural grassland in the world and the largest non-polluting animal food base in China.
30. The Xilin Gol Prairie in Inner Mongolia is the earliest grassland nature reserve in China, and it is also the area where the natural state of the grassland is best preserved.
31. Horqin Wetland Rare Birds Nature Reserve and Hulun Lake Nature Reserve in Xing’an League of Inner Mongolia are the best treasure houses of crane resources in China. Cranes in the lake area account for 35% of the world’s cranes and 55.6% of the country’s cranes.
32. Moose in the virgin forest at the northern foot of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Hulunbuir League, Inner Mongolia, is the largest deer species in the world. The adult male moose is more than 1 meter tall, about 2 meters long, and weighs more than 500 kilograms. It is known as the “forest giant”.
33. The comprehensive production capacity of animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ranks first among the five major pastoral areas in the country. The total output of wool accounts for one-quarter of the country, the output of cashmere accounts for more than one-third of the country, and the output of camel hair accounts for one-half of the country, ranking first in the country.
34. Cashmere produced by Alashan white goats in Inner Mongolia has become the best cashmere in the world with its three indicators of fineness, luminosity and whiteness. The KVSS no plush made from Albas white cashmere from Ikezhaomeng is the internationally recognized “China No. 1 no plush” and is known as “soft gold”.
35. Alxa League in Inner Mongolia is the region with the most camels in China, and is known as the “Camel Township”. There are white camels that are rare in the world. The Sunite Bactrian camel produced by Xilinguole League is the largest of the three major Bactrian camels in China, and the finest camel with the highest amount of cashmere and meat.
36. Hulunbuir League in Inner Mongolia is the region with the highest degree of mechanization of animal husbandry in China.
37. The Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia is the region with the largest scale of livestock breeding in China’s grassland pastoral areas, and the region closest to the sea port and economic center. It is the region with the best conditions for outbound and import in China’s ethnic minority areas.
38. Inner Mongolia has the largest forest in China. The area is 14.066 million hectares and the per capita forest area is 0.61 hectares. By the end of 1997, the per capita afforestation area ranked first in the country.
39. The Greater Xing’an Mountains in Inner Mongolia is the largest virgin forest area in China. The three undeveloped virgin forest areas in Wuma, Qigan and Yong’an Mountains have a total area of ​​94.6 thousand hectares and a forest land area of ​​924 thousand hectares.
40. The sandy spruce forest in Keshiketeng Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, is the largest pure natural forest of its kind in the world, and is the base of China’s sandy spruce mother forest.
41. Honghuaerji Forest Farm of Hulunbuir League in Inner Mongolia is the largest seed collection base of Pinus sylvestris in China. Honghuaerji Pinus sylvestris forest is rare in the world, the largest in Asia, and the only natural Pinus sylvestris forest in my country. It is 250 kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide, with a total area of ​​300,000 hectares.
42. The Larix gmelini forest in Inner Mongolia is the largest natural forest in China and the only natural forest in the cold temperate zone of China.
43. The belt, patch, and net farmland shelterbelt system in Taiping Township, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia is the only farmland shelterbelt system in China that can withstand Class ll storms and protect 98% of the farmland in the forest net. The shelterbelt has 401 main and auxiliary forest belts with a total length of 360 kilometers, forming 375 meshes, and protecting 66,000 mu of farmland. Experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations evaluated that this is a shelterbelt with “the neatest forest, the best forest growth, the most reasonable layout, and the most magnificent scale”.
44. The Haloxylon tree of Alxa League in Inner Mongolia is the desert tree species with the fastest seed germination in the world. The rare plant Cistanche deserticola parasitizing on the aerial roots of Haloxylon trees is known as “desert ginseng”. Its output and quality rank first in the country.
45. Tetraena from the Ordos Plateau in Inner Mongolia is a remnant single species plant unique to China.
46. “Liangwai Licorice” from Ikezhao League in Inner Mongolia and Red Licorice from Alxa League are rich in powder, high in medicinal value, and the quality ranks first in the country.
47. Astragalus in Inner Mongolia is the most famous in the country, and its main producing areas are Yikezhao League and Chifeng City, which is called “Zhengbeiqi”. Ephedra produced in the two places also ranks first.
48. Inner Mongolia is the province where the most new minerals have been discovered in China. Since 1958, China has received international recognition of more than 50 new minerals, 10 of which were discovered in Inner Mongolia, including barium iron diamond, Baotou mine, Yellow River mine, Solonite, mercury lead mine, Xing’anite, Daqingshan mine , Xilin Gol Mine, Erlian Shi, Baiyun Obo Mine.
49. The Baiyun Obo Mine in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, is the largest rare earth mine in the world. By 1997, the proven rare earth oxide reserves accounted for 76% of the world’s total rare earth oxides. The mine contains 172 kinds of minerals, which is the largest mine in the world.
50. Inner Mongolia is home to the world’s largest “open-pit coal mine”. There are four of China’s five largest open-pit coal mines in Inner Mongolia, namely Yimin, Huolinhe, Yuanbaoshan and Zhungeer open-pit mines. Huolinhe Coal Mine is the earliest modern open-pit coal mine built in my country. Zhungeer Coal Field is currently the country’s largest open-pit coal field.
51. The Dongsheng Coalfield in Inner Mongolia and the Shenfu Coalfield in Shaanxi are collectively known as the Dongsheng Yishenfu Coalfield, which is the largest of the seven largest coalfields in the world.
52. The Shengli coal field in the northern suburbs of Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia is the largest lignite field in China with the thickest coal seam. The thickness of the coal seam is generally more than 200 meters, and the thickest part is 400 meters. Contains 11 coal seams and 13 coal groups. The coal field is 45 kilometers long, 15 kilometers wide, and covers an area of ​​675 square kilometers. It has proven reserves of 15.932 billion tons and retained reserves of 15.931 billion tons.
53. Taixi coal from Erdaoling Coal Mine in Alxa League, Inner Mongolia, is a high-quality anthracite with low ash, low sulfur and low phosphorus. The average ash content is 3.96%, the volatile content is 6.83%, and the sulfur content is 0.2%-0.32. %. The calorific value is 7645-7711 kcal/kg, the highest in the country.
54. The Chaganli Mennuoer Alkali Mine in Sunite Right Banner, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia, is the largest trona mine in Asia. Chagan Nuoer Natural Soda Chemical Plant is the largest trona mining and deep processing joint enterprise in China.
55. The tin mine reserves of Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia ranks first in the country, with reserves of more than 46,700 tons, which are mainly distributed in the five mining areas of Dongwuzhumuqin Banner, Taipusi Banner and Xianghuang Banner.
56. Inner Mongolia Xilin Gol League has the largest germanium reserves in the country. The reserves are 16 million tons, accounting for 30% of the country’s total proven reserves.
57. The reserves of fluorite in Inner Mongolia rank first in Asia and fourth in the world. The Chagan Aobao fluorite mine in Siziwangqi of Ulanchabu League is a super-large fluorite deposit. The average grade of calcium fluoride in the raw ore meets the industrial requirements of flux rich ore.
58. The prospective reserves of graphite in Inner Mongolia are about 300 to 500 million tons, ranking first in the country. From the Alxa Right Banner in the west to the 1,000-kilometer area of ​​Xinghe County of Ulanchabu League in the east, the mineralization area is 3,000 square kilometers. Among them, the graphite mine products of Xinghe County have large scales and good flexibility, making it one of the three largest graphite production bases in my country.
59. Inner Mongolia Zhelimu League is the largest foundry sand and glass production sand base in China, with a reserve of approximately 55 billion tons of natural silica sand.
60. The Baoshan agate ore reserves in the Moridawadaur Autonomous Banner of the Hulunbuir League in Inner Mongolia is 2775 tons, ranking first in the country.
61. Dalate Banner, Yikezhao League, Inner Mongolia, is buried in the world’s rare super large Glauber’s salt mine.
62. The Chinese medical stone from Pingdingshan, Naiman Banner, Zhelimu League, Inner Mongolia has the best quality in China. It contains 59 elements, 18 of which are minerals and trace elements necessary for human nutrition.
63. The Aershan spring group in Xing’an League of Inner Mongolia consists of 48 springs, including hot springs, hot springs and cold springs. It is the mineral water that rises in deep circulation from the volcanic rock fracture zone with a depth of 2800-3500 meters, and is the hot mineral water of radon saw metasilicate. The radon element content in the spring is 11-60 Eman per liter, ranking first among all hot springs in the country.
64. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has 270 million kilowatt-hours of wind energy reserves, accounting for one-fifth of the country’s total reserves, ranking first in the country; the region’s annual average wind speed is 3.7 meters per second, and the average annual effective wind power density in most areas is 150-200 watts / Square meter.
65. Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth Plant No. 1 is the world’s largest rare earth ferroalloy production plant. It has more than 170 products with more than 300 specifications, and its output and quality rank first in the country. Baotou Iron and Steel Concentrator is the world’s largest rare earth concentrate production plant.
66. Inner Mongolia No. 1 Machinery Manufacturing Plant was the first medium-sized tank manufacturing plant built in China and has now become the production base of China’s main battle tanks. The “North-Benz” heavy-duty truck produced by this plant is the most high-end product among China’s 8-20 ton trucks.
67. Inner Mongolia Baotou North Heavy Truck Co., Ltd. is China’s largest mining truck production base. At present, it produces 7 models and 13 varieties of cars in three major series. The largest vehicle in the construction of the Three Gorges Project is the plant’s “Terex” 321 E 85 ton vehicle. Among the numerous domestic and foreign construction equipments, the 307 vehicles produced by the plant were awarded the glorious license of “the first 10,000-hour safe operation equipment” by the Three Gorges Engineering Corporation.
68. Inner Mongolia Yikezhaomeng Chemical Group has the country’s largest trona research institute, trona testing base and the country’s most trona scientific and technological talents. Its scientific research results in trona rank first in the country. It produces 160,000 tons of edible baking soda, accounting for more than 60% of the national annual production and sales and exports; the annual production capacity of soda sulfide is 130,000 tons, which is the highest in the country; the main products are woolless and cashmere sweaters.
71. Inner Mongolia Erdos Group is the largest cashmere sweater manufacturer in China, and has maintained the first place in the cashmere textile industry for its market share, market competitiveness and market influence for many years. In 1995, the 50th World Statistics Conference was announced as “The King of Cashmere Products in China”. In 1997, he was awarded the “Five-Star Award” by Metz, the largest department store chain in the United States. “Ordos” has the highest brand value in China’s cashmere products industry, reaching 2.456 billion yuan, and it is the only well-known trademark. The “Deer King” cashmere series products produced by Inner Mongolia Deer King Cashmere Group are the first products of the same kind in China that have won the “International Famous Brand Expo Gold Award”. From 1995 to 1996, the Group won the most gold and awards at the National Textile Fabric New Product Exhibition.
72. The “Great Wall Art Tapestry” produced by the Great Wall Carpet Factory in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, is the earliest art tapestry produced in China with the highest reputation. It was hailed as a “national treasure” by Premier Zhou Enlai. It has participated in many international fairs and has been hung in the United Nations as a world art treasure Headquarters.
73. Inner Mongolia Yili Group is the country’s largest ice cream and ice cream manufacturer, with an annual output of more than 60,000 tons of cold drink products.
74. Inner Mongolia Baotou Knight Dairy Group Company is the largest modern cheese manufacturer in China. Its cheese series products won the first prize of National New Products in 1995, and its whey beverage won the Excellence Award.
75. Inner Mongolia Hohhot Machine Tool Accessories Plant is the largest professional chuck manufacturer in China. The output of chucks accounts for about 60% of the total output of the country, and the export volume accounts for 80% of the export volume of similar products in the country. Its chuck manufacturing plant is the largest in the world. first.
76. China Hexi Chemical Machinery Company in Inner Mongolia is China’s first solid rocket engine research and production base, and has developed a number of high-quality aerospace products. The third-stage solid engine in the carrier rocket used by my country’s first artificial earth satellite, Dongfanghong-1, was provided by the company.
77. Inner Mongolia Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company is China’s first nuclear component, nuclear material production and scientific research base. For the successful test of China’s first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, he made important contributions to the launch of the first nuclear submarine.
78. Dongfeng Aerospace City in Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia, successfully launched a short-range missile for the first time with domestic fuel in September 1960. Since then, 33 satellites (including 17 returnable satellites) and hundreds of rockets of various types have been successfully launched, recording the development trajectory of China’s aerospace industry from its inception to entering the world’s advanced ranks.
79. The Shenfu Dongsheng Coalfield, whose main mining area is Inner Mongolia, is the largest coal mining machine in the world. It has a modern coal mining machine with an installed capacity of 1480 kilowatts and a production capacity of 2500 tons per hour. The auxiliary transportation of the mine has realized the rubber wheel, which is unique in China.
80. The Yimin Coal Power Phase I project in Hulunbuir Grassland in Inner Mongolia is the first large-scale coal power joint venture pilot project built in China.
81. The coal series hard kaolin in the Zhungeer Coal Field (Xuejiawan District) of Inner Mongolia is the best in the world in terms of reserves, grade and mining conditions.
82. Inner Mongolia Yakeshi Wood Processing Coating Joint Factory is China’s largest copying manufacturer.
83. The Jilantai Salt Plant in Inner Mongolia is the largest mechanized lake salt plant and lake salt area in my country, the largest iodized salt processing base and the largest natural carotene production base.
84. Inner Mongolia Wulanchabu Mengxinghe Carbon Products General Factory is China’s largest carbon company and the only graphite electrode factory.
85. Inner Mongolia Chifeng Pharmaceutical Factory is the largest ephedrine manufacturer in my country.
86. Huameng Jinhe (Group) Industrial Co., Ltd. in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, is the world’s largest enterprise producing chlortetracycline feed additives.
87. Inner Mongolia Hohhot Huaou Starch Co., Ltd. is the largest potato starch product enterprise in my country.
88. The “Ningcheng” brand fresh-squeezed almond drink “Ninglu” produced by the Ningcheng Laojiao Group Beverage Factory in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia; is China’s first AA-grade green protein drink. In October 1997, the beverage base was included in the “National Mountain Apricot Industrialization Demonstration Project”, and passed the initial inspection organized by the International Organic Crop Improvement Association OCIA; in January 1998, the fresh extraction process passed the national appraisal organized by the China Food Industry Association.
89. Tongliao Chemical Plant in Inner Mongolia is the largest castor oil deep processing enterprise in China. The plant processes 40,000 tons of castor beans annually. By-product castor bean meal, through cooperation with Jilin University and using bioengineering technology, a highly active yeast enzyme protein product has been developed, which is the first domestically developed new-type fungus protein feed that can replace imported fish meal and soybean meal.
90. The “Yining brand” Yining peptide produced by Inner Mongolia Xilinhot Biological Products Co., Ltd. is China’s first oral health care product for Muslims that integrates green food, bioengineering and high technology.
91. “Natural Jinchuan Health Beer” developed by Inner Mongolia Linhe Health Beer Factory is the only natural health beer approved by the Ministry of Health. It is made from Hetao natural high-quality medical and drinking mineral water. This product was awarded the 1997 “Big World Guinness Best” certificate by Shanghai Great World Guinness Headquarters.
92. Inner Mongolia National Co., Ltd. is the largest commercial center and commercial enterprise group in China’s ethnic minority areas.
93. Inner Mongolia is the province with the most land ports in China. There are 18 border ports in total.
94. The Manzhouli Railway Port and Highway Port in Inner Mongolia are the largest land transportation ports in China, which can be connected to Eastern and Western Europe via Russia. It is called the “bridgehead” of the first Eurasian continental bridge. The port has a railway cargo capacity of 5 million tons, advanced reloading machinery, and high-level distribution and storage conditions. There are 4 passenger customs clearance channels and 4 freight customs clearance channels at the Manzhouli-Zabaikalsk international highway port.
95. The Beijing Zhangjiakou-Pengjiang-Taolin-Ude-Kulun-Chaktu telegraph line built in 1897 was the first land-based telegraph line built by my country.
96. The SDH communication transmission fiber optic cable in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is currently the longest transmission fiber optic cable using synchronous digital series technology in China, with a total length of more than 4,000 kilometers.
97. The Ji (Ning)-Tong (Liao) Railway in Inner Mongolia is the longest local railway in my country built by the Ministry of Railways and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with a total length of 943 kilometers.
98. Inner Mongolia Feng (Town) Zhun (Geer) Electrified Railway is China’s first enterprise self-managed electrified heavy-haul coal dedicated line. With a total length of 2,000 kilometers, it adopts the most advanced Shaoshan 3 (SS3) electric traction locomotive in China.
99. The Zhungeer Yellow River Railway Bridge in Inner Mongolia is the largest single span Yellow River Railway Bridge in China. The length of the bridge is 634.42 meters, and the span of the single hole is 132 meters.
100. Inner Mongolia is the province with the largest wind power generation in China. The installed capacity reached 15,000 kilowatts at the end of 1996, ranking first in the country. Among them, the possession of micro-wind turbines accounts for as% of the country. Xilin Gol League Wind Energy Development and Application Research Institute (now Inner Mongolia Electric Power Management Bureau Wind Power Research Institute) is the earliest established wind energy development research institution in China.
101. Inner Mongolia was the first province in China to send electricity abroad. At present, the growth rate of installed power generation capacity, per capita power generation and power transmission in Inner Mongolia rank first in the country.
l02. Inner Mongolia Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute is the largest rare earth scientific research institution in China. It takes the comprehensive development and utilization of rare earth resources as its purpose, and focuses on rare earth mineral processing, metallurgical extraction and separation, and the development of new functional materials. It has achieved more than 650 research results, of which There are more than 200 major scientific research achievements and more than 100 achievements reaching or close to the international advanced level.
103. The Inner Mongolia Meteorological Bureau built a provincial-level polar-orbiting meteorological satellite data receiving and processing system for the first time in the country. In order to achieve disaster reduction goals such as artificial rainfall and hail prevention, Inner Mongolia has rented the most planes each year, the longest operating time, and the widest operating area.
104. The Electronic Computing Center of the Inner Mongolia Planning Commission successfully developed a complete ethnic minority electronic computer word processing system in the country.
105. Inner Mongolia is the world’s largest Mongolian medicine research center.
106. Inner Mongolia has China’s largest rare earth information center, and Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Development Zone is China’s first rare earth development zone approved by the State Council.
107. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Inner Mongolia University, Dr. Xurigan is one of the earliest scientists in the world to successfully cultivate “test-tube goats” and the earliest scientist in China to successfully cultivate “test-tube sheep” and “test-tube cattle”. He is called the “father of test-tube lambs” abroad. “.
108. Lu Jiaxi, a physics teacher at the No. 9 Middle School in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, is the first mathematician in the field of block design in the world to solve the problem of “the three elements of disjoint Steiner”. His results won the highest award of China’s natural sciences-the first prize of China’s natural sciences.
l09. Song Jinchi, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, was the first in the world to draw a “four-color map” and create the “adjacent geometry”.
110. Xie Hongzu, a magnetism expert at Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute, is the first scientist in the world to successfully develop a new type of NdFeB magnetic energy product material of 52.2 megabytes.
111. Dr. Liang Nairu of Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute in Inner Mongolia developed rare earth amorphous wire for the first time in the world. The amorphous wire does not need to be drawn but is directly spun, and the yield rate is over 95%.
112. Hu Hongkai, a researcher at the Chifeng Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Inner Mongolia, was the first person in the world to discover the dominant male sterile gene of millet. He was the first to bred the “three-line seed production method” for dominant genic male sterile homozygous line, recessive homozygous fertile line and dominant homozygous epistatic line in China, which opened up the genetics of plant male sterility And new areas of breeding practice.
113. Professor Zhang Heling of Inner Mongolia University was the first to isolate and identify alfalfa mosaic disease potato patch strain, potato YN virus, potato S virus, etc., and successfully prepared a high-titer potato leaf roll virus antiserum for the first time in the world, and established enzymes Modern diagnostic techniques for plant viruses such as combined immunosorbent test, immunosorbent electron microscope, denaturing electrophoresis, and molecular hybridization.
114. Lin Shouren, a researcher from the Inner Mongolia Grape Flower and Tree Technology Development Center, after setting the highest record of my country’s 15-year-old grape yield per mu in 1958, another record of 12,300 jin per mu in 1983 and 1986, and a four-year continuous yield of over 1 million jin per mu. A record of high yields. He presided over the “soilless seedling” new technology for rapid growth of large quantities of grapes, which filled the gap in my country.
115. Dr. Guo Liansheng from the Inner Mongolia Forestry College discovered for the first time the change law of the gas exchange capacity of the coniferous leaves of Norway spruce in different crown heights under specific environmental and experimental conditions.
116. Professor Nenizabu of Inner Mongolia Normal University is the first Chinese entomologist accepted by the Royal Entomological Society of London, England. He used the numerical classification method to find out the genetic relationship among the insects of the genus Dermatophagoides for the first time. In 1985 it was included in the “International Who’s Who of Hemiptera Entomologists” in the United States.
117. Dr. Lu Dexun from the Inner Mongolia Academy of Animal Science, for the first time in the world, revealed the turnover of endogenous protein in the digestive tract of sheep.
118. In the National White Cashmere Goat Breeding and Development Project undertaken by the Inner Mongolia Academy of Animal Husbandry, 7 breeding core groups were established for the first time using goat embryo transfer technology.
119. Yang Weiying, a senior engineer from Inner Mongolia TV, designed and successfully trial-produced the A-2 multifunctional mobile theater. It is China’s first large-scale, more complete, better than foreign, suitable for professional art performance groups to go to rural areas, pastoral areas, mines, and border defenses. Mobile theater.
120. Inner Mongolia is the region that publishes the most Mongolian books in the world, and has become the largest international Mongolian book publishing center.
121. Inner Mongolian Judo athlete Gao Fenglian won the 72kg or more world championship in the 4th, 5th and 6th World Women’s Judo Championships, becoming the first female athlete to achieve the “three consecutive championships” in this competition.
122. Inner Mongolia Hohhot Racecourse is the largest international standard racecourse in Asia, with a total area of ​​32,000 square meters.